Shipping via USPS First Class Mail for orders under 13oz. Orders over 13oz. will be shipped via USPS Priority Mail. Sometimes UPS for large orders. NOTE: If shipping to a PO box you MUST leave a valid phone number. UPS will not deliver to a PO box. International shipping via USPS First Class International.
Most orders will ship the next business day from the time the order was received. Large orders could take an extra couple of days. If you need something by a certain date, contact me and I can tell you if it can be done.
So that customers feel safe in buying, I always allow for a painless exchange for a different size if something doesn't fit. My policy has always been that if you mail back the item to me, I will pay to ship the replacement. Damaged or defective products will be replaced at no charge. If dissatisfied for any reason, I will do my best to satisfy you. If nothing else, I will pay return shipping and give a full refund upon receipt of the return.